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Your ultimate newborn checklist

Jun 25, 2023


Being able to have some time hands-free to do the washing up or make a cuppa is a new parents' dream and a baby swing allows your little one to be safe, secure and entertained all in one go. This nifty device can be operated with a remote and will play lullabies to soothe them as they gently get rocked.

Danielle Manton-Kelly says: “Leaning into the use of baby swings in order to free the cuddling arms of tired parents can be game changing in allowing parents to get stuff done! This Munchkin swing emulates a parent's loving arms, safely holding the baby in a lie-flat position while offering soothing sounds and music via bluetooth. The peace of mind knowing the baby is content and safe, offers a mental and physical freedom that finally makes a newborn/home/work life balance possible.”